• 广东小型导针线嘴按需定制 抱诚守真 杭州千和精密机械供应

    广东小型导针线嘴按需定制 抱诚守真 杭州千和精密机械供应

  • 2022-11-08 01:03 141
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:浙江省杭州拱墅区包装说明:标准
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:95843575公司编号:4265245
  • 张光辉 总经理
    15067136306 (联系我请说明是在亚搏看到的信息)
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询
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    Maintenance and repair of wire nozzles: wire nozzles can be divided into alloy materials and gemstone materials. Alloy materials should be paid attention to at ordinary times. Wire nozzles that have not been used in the machine should be packed with sealed bags together with packaging boxes, because tungsten steel materials are easy to oxidize in the air. Once oxidized, oxidation spots will form on the surface, which are not easy to remove. In order to prevent wire nozzles from landing during installation, tungsten steel materials have high hardness and great brittleness, It will break when it hits the ground. 浙江微型导针线嘴联系人千和精密机械有限公司出售导针与线嘴。



    Precautions for guide pin: 4. Accuracy of installation dimension: it is necessary to ensure the consistency of installation dimension. If it is large, it is difficult to install it into the equipment fixture. If it is small, it is easy to fall out of the fixture and affect the adjustment accuracy.

    Advantages of guide pins and thread nozzles processed by Qianhe precision machinery: Qianhe precision machinery has strong strength and solid foundation. Compared with guide pins and thread nozzles in the same industry, it naturally has its unique advantages. First of all, the surface finish of the guide pin and the thread nozzle can be seen at a glance. The surface finish of the guide pin and the thread nozzle of other manufacturers is very low, and it looks fuzzy under light. However, the guide pin and the thread nozzle of Qianhe precision machinery are different. They not only feel smooth and delicate, but also can be directly used as a mirror. Then there is the roughness of the inner hole, which is an important parameter for the guide pin and thread nozzle. The guide pin and thread nozzle produced by Qianhe precision machinery are very good. The inner hole not only reaches ra0.1, but also the radian at both ends reaches Ra0.025, which can be seen from its strength.千和精密机械线嘴生产。



    Alloy nozzle is an important accessory widely used in winding machines. In order to select high-quality alloy nozzle from a large number of suppliers with mixed advantages and disadvantages, the following key points are indispensable: (1) surface finish of nozzle outlet and inlet (2) finish of inner hole (3) dimensional accuracy of inner diameter (4) accuracy of installation dimension (5) R shape of nozzle outlet and inlet. 千和精密机械有限公司销售线嘴。江苏巨型导针线嘴出厂价





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    单位注册资金:人民币 100 万元 - 200 万元。

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杭州千和精密机械有限公司成立于2006年,开发设计、生产、销售各类全自动绕线机配件以及小功率高速直流伺服电机及驱动控制。公司现有四大系列产品的研发生产:1、各类伺服张力器、磁力张力器及张力测量全系列产品;2、超硬材料绕线导针系列;3、气动剪刀及绕线治具系列;4、小功率高速直流伺服电机及驱动控制。 公司..